The Women International Motorcycling Association
Some information about WIMAGB and the history of WIMA
John Newman
WIMA or the Women's International Motorcycling Association was started in 1950 by Louise Sherbyn, the wife of a US Serviceman. It started - pretty much as it says on the tin - as a motorcycling association for all women motorcyclists, married, single, straight or gay. Not with the intention of being anti-men in any way - and in fact many male partners of members get involved and help with running events and supporting women members - but just to provide a supportive and friendly female group of motorcyclists who could help each other, socialise on bikes and enjoy each others company.
From its early beginnings the idea obviously caught on amongst women in America and gradually spread all over the world until today, sixty years later WIMA is an international association with many national divisions in many countries.
Nowadays WIMA members range from long term members who joined years ago and enjoyed themselves and the camaraderie of the road so much that they stayed, to new members on new bikes who have recently joined to ride with like minded women, get some friendly support and have some fun.
What WIMA members get up to...
WIMA members get together locally on a regular basis to attend events like track days, camping weekends, ride outs, pub lunches, cream teas, shows and rallies. As it is a national group there are not always groups in every area but new groups are always starting up, it only takes a few members in any area to get a group going so if you fancy starting one get in touch via the website for any help and advice you might need.
WIMA operates a community website exclusively for members which puts people together to post messages, meet and greet and pass on information about rides and events. Some of the other benefits of membership are a WIMA handbook which contains lists of recommended businesses all of which are motorcycle friendly and some of which give discounts to members. There is also a monthly newsletter which is sent to all members and contains announcements, plus reports and shares some great photos sent in by members. .
Here's some information from the Sussex WIMA GB rep:
"WIMA GB membership is just £14 for online membership and offers reduced
cost insurance, group use of YHA card, a low cost national Rally, a bi-monthly newsletter, affiliation to the BMF as well as friendship, fun and lots of biking adventures!
Some WIMA members are amazing adventure bikers and some are just very well travelled and can help to inspire you to get out there biking, not just in your own neighbourhood, but much further afield! We have WIMA members in over twenty countries of the world.
WIMA Sussex meets on the second Sunday of the month at a cafe less than
five minutes ride from Wemoto. (For more info, please contact WIMA). WIMA Sussex offers monthly ride outs, support if you're thinking about getting into biking, (eg signposting to training, helping you to get the right kit and clothing, accompanied rides to other WIMA meetings and rallies so you don't have to ride alone), but mostly, just other like minded women to ride with."

WIMA members at MCN Show
Other forthcoming events
Here are just a couple of things coming up in the next few months for WIMAGB members, for further details go to the website events page:
17th - 19th May
- WIMA will be having an information stall at the BMF show at Peterborough
June 14th - 16th
- WIMAGB National Rally
The location is Oakley Sports and Social Club, Oakley near Bedford. There is hard standing for bikes and a nice well drained camping field with toilets and showers, plus a very nice club house with bar and on site catering. There are B&Bs in the area, details will be supplied with all rally info closer to the time. Ticket prices are expected to be about the same as for 2012. (ie cheap!) Any questions please contact Sherbs via the Rally Sec address in the newsletter or via the WIMAGB member’s forum.
The AGM will be on the morning of the 16th.
(Open to WIMAGB members and invited guests only)
Any women attending any of these events are welcome to drop in for a chat.
Or check out the website
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