10 April 2017

Anglesey Shakedown & Donington BSB

Updates from Wemoto-sponsored Dan Kneen

Press Release

Anglesey Shakedown
Press release: 29/03/17

'I had a good run at Anglesey at the weekend on the DTR BMW, which was the first race of the year. Things are slowly coming together, so hopefully, things will be easier over the next few races as it's all a bit hard work at the moment. We should have it painted up soon and leathers for the next outing. I learned a fair bit and made some improvements, with two 2nd places on that, so I'm happy with the progress.

Starting to feel good on the bike and enjoying it now too. I also got a run out on the Mistral ZXR 750 Classic TT bike, which was great fun spinning her up everywhere and came away with two 3rds on that.  

Thanks to the lads for their help over the weekend and the IM1 Car Centre Douglas for the van as they got me out of a hole with mine breaking down. Also Isle of Man Steam Packet Company for the travel.'


Donington BSB
Press release: 05/04/17

'Just back from a tough weekend at Donington Park BSB. We had a lot of problems throughout which made it very hard work.

Everything was rushed so we only just made it out for practice which went okay. Qualifying was going good and we were up to 11th. Came in for changes mid-session but our rain light had failed so we weren't allowed back out, so I dropped to 28th, which I wasn't too happy about.

For leg one of the 100-mile race, I got a ride through penalty for changing tires too late on the grid and just rode round to gain our spot on the grid in leg 2. It was difficult coming from the back, and by the time I got through the group everyone else had pulled too far away, so 19th was all I could manage.

Race 3 - I was 15th on the grid from my time in race 2 so I made a good start and was up to 11th when it was red-flagged. On the second start, I was up to 12th but didn't really have the pace to stay with the group and the quick-shifter stopped working, so ended 15th.

Thanks to the lads for their help over the weekend as it was a tough one for sure.

Although everything went wrong that could  I think, the bike has potential and things will improve. We made the best of a bad job. Hopefully, things will be easier soon.'


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