17 March 2025

Are roadside billboards distracting for road users

Three Billboards Outside... well pretty much everywhere

Lucy England

Photo Courtesy of Google Maps

There is a lot of research into distractions for drivers and riders and it seems likely that around 30% of road traffic accidents are caused by inattention, or attention being directed elsewhere, not at the road. Distractions can come from mobile phones, those little oracles and super social connectors in our pockets, and yes, this is a major concern for all road users.

But another major modern distraction is illuminated roadside advertising billboards, which are proliferating everywhere. They are increasingly large and bright and sometimes flashing or rapidly changing. All specifically designed to grab your attention, which of course distracts you from concentrating on the road while you are driving or riding.

One we have noticed which illustrates this point very nicely, is over the A3 near New Malden – it is huge, super bright and stretches above the road. It not only features advertising, but it also carries news stories – specially designed to hook your attention. 
Roadside distractions are particularly pertinent for motorcyclists perhaps, who are very vulnerable to SMIDSY incidents.
Is this something you have noticed? If so does it bother you? Are there any flashing or attention grabbing signs which regularly distract you as you ride or drive around, or do you think they are fine and find them easy to ignore?
Let us know your thoughts at: [email protected] or on Facebook.

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