24 February 2017

Around the coast for cancer

The Purple Rose Coastal Bike Ride

We all love a good bike ride and don't need any other reason to do it than for pure pleasure. But it is better still when the ride is for a reason that benefits others as well as ourselves. And the upcoming Purple Rose Coastal Bike Ride will do just that.

In July, Mick Welch and will set off round the British coastline on a ride to raise money for both Cancer Research and Saint Catherine's Hospice. Sadly, we probably all know someone who's had a battle with cancer. For Mick, it was his sister, who recently passed due to the illness. Saint Catherine's Hospice looked after her and many others, while Cancer Research affects care no matter where you live.  

Not only will the money raised be a way of Mick honouring his sister and those who supported and cared for her, the ride itself will honour her too. His plan is to rebuild and customise a motorcycle in what were his sister's favourite colours, as well as her likes in life. The bike will be pink and purple and donned in roses and symbols of her love of music.  

The ride itself will be around 5,000 miles. And Mick's inviting as many bikers as possible to join him on this journey. Both the cost of the build and the ride itself will be funded by Mick and his partner. He's hoping to raise at least £10,000 for his two chosen charities.  

You can follow Mick's build and then his ride on the Purple Rose Coastal Bike Ride Facebook page, where you'll also find links to the charities if you wish to donate.

We wish Mick the best of luck on this journey and with his fundraising.

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