Green is going for UK riders in Europe
The EU gets rid of UK Green Card requirement as the UK is now included in the Green Card Free Circulation Zone
John Newman

Ready for a little bit of good news? The EU Commission has decided to include the UK in its Green Card Free Circulation Zone, which it is currently not included in since Brexit took us out of the EU.
At the moment if you want to take your motorcycle or car to Europe you have to get a Green Card from your motor insurer, to prove that you have valid insurance to cover your trip. This can be a hassle and means that a quick nip over the channel is out as it can take some weeks, and extra expense, to get this document from your insurer.
But, this is set to change as the EU is gong to admit Britain to the European Green Card Free Circulation Zone. This is good news for all of us planning trips to Europe and particularly so for folks in Northern Ireland as one layer of bureaucracy is removed if they need to cross the border into Ireland which is still in the EU. This news is really encouraging to hear, as life usually seems to get more complicated these days, not less!
Here’s what the EU Commission says about this ruling:
“The Commission has today announced a decision to waive the obligation to show the motor insurance Green Card for drivers from the UK. This will be particularly helpful for Northern Irish motorists crossing the border into Ireland.”
Are you feeling tempted to ride over to Europe this summer should things become easier? If so does this decision make that trip just that little bit more appealing, or do you still only have eyes for the glorious roads over here on our little island? What will happen next we wonder? May you live in interesting times as the apocryphal saying goes!