03 April 2024

Independent study into Headlight Glare

The Government commissions an independent study into headlight glare

Lucy England

Not so dazzling
Finally, after research has shown that the majority of drivers say that they are adversely affected by headlight glare, the Government has decided to commission an independent study into this concern.
Recent research has shown that eight out of ten road users currently claim to be affected by blinding headlights while riding or driving at night, and feel that the problem is getting worse.
The issue has been such a big concern for riders and drivers, that it was highlighted recently by a petition organised by a desperate member of the public, with support from the College of Optometrists and the RAC among others.
So it is great news that the Government are taking the matter seriously and running an independent investigation. Out of those involved with this concern, there have been comments from people like Baroness Hayter who remarked:
This is a victory for all those drivers affected by glare who’ve complained to their MP, signed the parliamentary petition, or indeed sought help from an optometrist – only to discover the problem was with headlights, and not their eyes. This is an issue the RAC has long campaigned on and I am delighted the Government has recognised there is a real problem. We look forward to discussing its research in due course.”
RAC spokesperson Rod Dennis said:
The fact the Government has listened to drivers’ concerns and heeded our calls to examine the complex issue of headlight glare in more detail marks a real turning point. The topic has undoubtedly struck a chord with motorists up and down the country, with many people contacting us directly to call for something to be done.
Brighter headlights, while giving drivers a better view of the road ahead, are clearly causing other road users significant problems. As many as nine-in-10 drivers tell us they believe at least some car headlights are too bright, while 14% of drivers aged 65+ say they have stopped driving altogether as a result of being dazzled.
An independent study provides a golden opportunity for the Government and industry to get to the bottom of the problem, identify the factors involved and map out a way forward. We’re aware of regulatory changes being made at an international level that will hopefully make a difference in many years to come, but are concerned that these alone may not be enough to address headlight dazzle.
There are also known shortcomings concerning the official road casualty data not accurately capturing the true number of incidents associated with headlight glare, so it’s absolutely right that the topic is investigated properly to understand what can be done to keep everyone safe.
We look forward to working with the Department of Transport to help ensure the study is as robust as possible and drivers’ voices are heard.”
The first RAC research on night time driving and dazzling headlights was conducted in 2018, so this issue has been bobbing along the bottom for some considerable time and really needs addressing properly at this point. It is clearly an issue for many drivers and riders, so it’s good that the government is finally looking into it and perhaps some legislation will follow to address the problem.
We have been following this story so check out our article from January for more information.
Is this something which you have strong feelings about? Does it affect you while driving at night? Let us know your thoughts at [email protected] or on Facebook. Thanks

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