07 April 2020

Is riding a motorcycle a form of exercise?

Regular workouts you get owning a bike

We at Wemoto are 100% behind the government's policies aimed at keeping folks apart as much as possible to minimize the risk of infection, so that we can all do our bit to support our fantastic NHS staff, carers, supermarket staff and all of those out there working for us. So sticking to one local walk a day is what we're all doing and only using our motorcycles for essential shopping trips or getting to work. However, let it not be said that motorcyclists are lazy and do not get exercise on their motorcycles! Do you agree? Here are the workouts you regularly get if you own a motorcycle! :)

  • Biceps, flexors, brain patience circuits workout :) - Attempting to undo seized and rusted nuts on the engine in the workshop
  • Forefinger flexor workout – Pressing top of oil can while attempting to undo seized bolts - many repetitions
  • Glutes workout - Flat battery - attempting to push start the bike, usually multiple times, like a continuous Le Mans start, usually on an icy road
  • Quadriceps workout - Heaving your motorcycle onto its centre stand, up kerbs or up a ramp into a van for transporting when broken down
  • Triceps workout – cleaning off all the road grime and polishing up that chrome and paintwork
  • Core Strength workout – riding down a river on a trail holiday without falling over
  • Abs workout – dragging motorcycle up a mountain on an Alps holiday

Ok that's just a few of the keep fit exercises we do on our motorcycles! Some we can be doing now to prepare our bikes for doing some of the others later when we are free range and on motorcycle holidays and the open road again yipee!

Who agrees that having a motorcycle involves much exercise and do you have any more suggestions of the workouts you do on your bike? Let us know at [email protected]

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