16 May 2019

Nembo 32 Flop

Fundraising for upside-down engine bike fails

A campaign to raise $3.5 million for an inverted-engine concept bike has ended with a total of €50 raised.

The project bike was named Nembo 32. Nembo meaning ‘stormy thundering cloud’ in Italian. 32 after its three-cylinder-two-litre-upside-down engine, which claimed 200-horsepower and 158 foot-pounds of torque. Sounds crazy, right? It seems almost everyone else thinks so too, with only one donation being made, for €50.

The company behind the idea is Nembo Motociclette – a small team run by Italian entrepreneur, Daniele Sabatini. They have been working on the concept since 2009. It was only in January 2019  that they claimed they had a developed fully-working prototype ready for production. Which, after the failure of the fundraising campaign, looks to be even further away.

But whilst the crowdfunding has been unsuccessful, Sabatini says they are not giving up on their venture. “We’ll succeed in our revolution,” he says in a statement, "stay tuned".

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