New motorcycle-ride route finder from Carole Nash
Some help with finding a new UK motorcycle ride
John Newman
There's a new online route finder website out from Carole Nash which has been specifically designed for motorcyclists and details great riding routes through the UK and Ireland. The route start points all appear on the site via Google maps and you basically just click on the map number in the area in which you want to ride and the route will appear. Along with the route plan there will be some tips about it like how hard it is and the mileage so that you can plan your day out.

Off you go!
When the main map first appears it shows all the shortlisted thirty-nine possible start points in the country and there is information provided on each route. When you click on a ride start number which you might want to try, the route appears on the map along with information on how hard/easy the ride is. With this information you can decide in advance what level of ride you feel like - whether it is a gentle jaunt through the country or a more hardcore and challenging ride.
There is also a facility on the map for you to suggest a ride which you like so that it can be added to the map and shared with other motorcyclists. This way good routes should multiply and there should be an increasing choice of rides appearing all the time.
You can narrow down the search parameters on the existing map as well by choosing an area and specifying what scenery you would like to ride past - lakes, coast or mountains for example and if your region has it, your route past it will show on the map! You can also decide if you want an easy ride or a more challenging one. So if you fancy a ride, and the weather forecast is tempting but you need a bit of inspiration just check out the website for a new route idea.