Prrrroject IT175D
Week 6 or 7 or something
Jerry Rulf

Well here it is - I got the forks and lobbed them on, first checked the drain screws were ok, and this is my non hydraulic bike stand mark2, with handy drawer. Although I managed to get it on there ok with the help of a rope around the ceiling joist, getting it down proved a bit fiddly. I couldn't get my mate to help me, as it was before 1pm so he wasn't up yet.
Anyway, I reckon the overall shapes and colours are ok, so I'm quite pleased with the result. It looks even older than it is, which is good

I made the chain guard from alloy sheet - the two holes are where I cocked up. I made a pattern to have right angles over the chain, but during making I decided it might look more awesome with a curve on top- so I bent it round a bit of car exhaust. I hadn't taken into account the shorter distance to my little marked out window, so that's why I'm calling it an inspection portal.

Original headlight mounts (and headlight) were missing.
I used wemoto universal brackets and a FS1e headlight, it looks about the same size as the genuine part, and features a scorching 20w of 6 volt power. This will obviously be ideal when racing along cliff edge trails in the dark. It should be like riding at midday. At the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

The worm drive for the speedo that caused me loads of bother - attached to a wemoto supplied speedo cable that all fits marvellous and pukka. The speedo works.

Near to completion, this highly desirable 1977 model benefits from unknown provenance, and coachwork finished in BandQ acrylic silver. Which isn't petrol-proof, as I immediately discovered.

Jobs to do: wire up lights and stoplight (now on front brake), bolt on the honky bulb horn, do the fork oil, new throttle and grips, adjust everything so it's all good.
The big news is - it started, and I rode it around a bit, and it goes alright, although the ticking sound from the top end sounds dead like a clapped out small end to me, so I'll tear the top off and have a look at that when it's kind of finished.
It feels nice and light to ride, accelerates alright, and sitting on the seat, I get both feet flat on the deck, so It's going to be pretty comfortable I'd say.
So, in summary, hoorah!
Ah it's not far off this space for the next thrilling instalment. Any thoughts email us at
[email protected]