The Longest Day Challenge
What is it and what is it in aid of?
Lucy England

Picture the scene, dawn is breaking, the summer sun is coming up on June 21st, the longest day of the year and a motley crew of assorted motorcyclists on random motorcycles has assembled at Lands End. What is distinctive about this group you might enquire? Well all the machines champing at the bit to hit the road are road legal, but cost less than £600! Yes this is the
Longest Day Challenge, where the riders have to make the 1000 mile journey from Lands End to John O’Groats in 24 hours, without using motorways, on a machine which cost under £600. Incidentally June the 21st is also World Motorcycle Day, what an appropriate day for a motorcycle challenge like this!
Now if you are thinking 'great, I can get a good little runner for £600', you may have to adjust your thinking a tad. Many machines on sale for under £600 are the kind that are advertised as a ‘project’, a ‘do-oer upper’, or a ‘non-runner’. Many have sat in someone’s garden for a few years and are, perhaps, a little rusty and in need of a modicum, or perhaps a lot, of TLC.
As you have probably guessed these intrepid riders are not going on this jaunt on their clapped out old machines for the good of their health, they are doing it for the good of others’ health, as the ride is fundraising for Cancer Research.
This worthy and challenging ride has been running since 2013 and so far has raised over £410,000 since it first started! Amazing!
Enquiries for entry into the race are opened up annually on December 21st when the country is at the winter solstice – all is dark and grim, the shortest day is upon us and the cold dark months of January and February lie ahead in all their freezing grimness. But there is hope on the horizon and the thought of the summer solstice on June 21st, and an adventure, many miles cross-country, on a clapped out old bike, seems like a great idea! In fact so much so that this year’s event 2024, is already over subscribed. The organisers say that you can still send your details in despite this, as sometimes people drop out ,and you will be added to the waiting list.
How it works
If you’re interested in getting on the waiting list for this year’s great event then contact the event via
The Longest Day Challenge web page.
Here is how the event works and what riders are required to do:
Interested riders contact the event (note it is only available for a limited number of riders and is sadly already fully booked for this year) via the official Longest Day Website.
If they have been accepted, they buy a motorcycle costing no more than £600. It doesn't have to be a runner and you can spend some extra money on getting it through the MOT if necessary.
All riders competing in the event have to pay £300 to cover one night in a hotel at Lands End and John O'Groats, one evening meal, an event T shirt and support along the way. There are dedicated pit stops which riders need to check in to, en route, which offer mechanical aid and often home baked goodies. These are situated near petrol stations for convenience.
Entrants must set up a fundraising page.
Entrants join the event WhatsApp group for all participants to keep in touch about the progress of their bike while they are getting ready, and the journey when it starts.
The chosen route, no motorways allowed, is shared in advance – Lands End to John O’Groats, with set pit stops along the way. The way you navigate it is up to each individual rider.
A team picture is taken when everyone has arrived in John O’Groats, road weary, dusty but hopefully happy – what an achievement!
We know one of the entrants this year so hopefully will be able to bring you some pictures in due course and let you know how he's getting on with getting his bike ready for the road.
If you have participated in this great event before or are planning to this year we'd love to hear about it, let us know on Facebook.