23 July 2013

Wheels to Work scheme goes from strength to strength

Getting better all the time

Back in January the Wheels to Work Association was launched, backed by the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCI) and since then the number of Wheels to Work schemes has been slowly but steadily increasing.  With the support of the new W2WA the number of schemes has already grown from twenty-four to twenty-nine and there are also another seven schemes waiting in the wings, having reached the final planning stage.

As well as schemes which are already running, or have recently started, there are also several Councils nationally and some local groups which are in the process of working out the best way to implement the scheme to benefit people in their local area. These fledgling schemes are being supported by the national Wheels to Work coordinator Nicky Bassett-Powell, who is on hand to offer advice.

Big lottery fund

Wheels to Work schemes are being supported across the country from various different sources. For example the scheme in Derbyshire received almost £500,000 of funding from the Big Lottery Fund which will enable it to run for the next five years!

There was also good news in Nottingham where the Wheels to Work scheme successfully achieved its funding bid to enable it to keep on running.

Top ten

Another success story which received a lot of publicity is that the Shropshire scheme was selected for the Big Society Award.  Members of the Shropshire team who run the scheme there went up to London to 10 Downing Street to collect the award, you can see more about this on the W2WA facebook page.   W2WA is increasingly using facebook and twitter to keep up with other members and share news as it happens.


A helping hand

Working together with all the schemes which are up an running across the country, the W2WA has now established a standard cost model so that schemes which are starting up can get an idea of how much it will cost to run their W2WA scheme.  Where they are already running W2WA schemes can tell how much they will need to run their scheme sustainably and improve it so that it can reach its maximum potential and help as many people as possible.

Using all the information gathered from the W2WA schemes which are running the W2WA are now producing a "request to tender" document which will help suppliers to support individual W2WA schemes around the country.

For more information on W2W have a look at our earlier news posts about the scheme:

Wheels to Work gains a grant

A bit more on Wheels to Work

The Wheels to Work association is launched


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